Kniri 221 Alternate Tunings
Update: 18.09.2024
I don't sell harmonicas and accordions,
but I would like to make my ideas available to anyone who is interested !
I've been looking for alternate tunings for harmonicas for over 20 years. Then I tried out my ideas.
The SEYDEL company made the specially tuned harmonicas for me.
I published the ideas on facebook and harmonica forums. You can also watch my videos on YouTube.
I was looking for an easier way to play the Blues with the common three chords (C, F and G7 in the key of C)
After playing around for some time I invented a continuous scale for diatonic instruments."Kniri 221"
The "diatonic-cyclic" tone arrangement makes it possible to play identical melodies in several major and minor keys.
On a 10 hole harmonica, this allows to play 5 different mixolydian major scales and 5 different natural minor (aeolian) scales, which are related/similar to the circle of 4ths (and 5ths).The tones have a regular spacing: 221221221221etc. 2=whole tone, 1=semitone
The nice thing about this is if you blow or draw any four notes right next to then it will always result in a flat7th-chord major, diminished or minor, depending where you are.This makes it very easy if you want to use the instrument to accompany someone and for improvisation.
F/A/C/F/A/C/F/A/C/F blow
G/C/E/G/Bb/D/E/G/Bb/D draw
Gb,B',Eb,Gb Db bendings
"KNIRI 221" in G (B'=H deutsch)
G/B'/D/F/A/C/Eb/G/Bb/Db blow
A/C/E/G/Bb/D/F/Ab/C/Eb draw
Ab Eb,Gb Db,E, B', D bendings
(B'=H deutsch)
G/B'/D/F/A/C/E/G/B'/D blow
A/C/E/G/B'/D/F/A/C/E draw
Ab Eb,Gb,Bb,Db Ab Eb bendings
"KNIRI 221" in G
(B'=H deutsch)
G/B'/D/F/A/C/Eb/G/Bb/Db blow
A/C/E/G/Bb/D/F/Ab/C/Eb draw
Ab Eb,Gb Db,E, B', D bendings
B* = H deutsch, Bb = B deutsch
G/B*/D/F/A/C/Eb/G/Bb/Db blow , 8 chords- G7, Bdim, Dm7, F7, Adim, Cm7, Eb7, Gdim
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
A/C/E/G/Bb/D/F/Ab/C/Eb draw , 8 chords- Am7, C7, Edim, Gm7, Bb7,Ddim, Fm7, Ab
Ab Eb, Gb Db, E B*,D bendings
Kniri 221 (cyclic scale in the circle of 4ths)
5 mixolydian major chords/scales and
5 natural minor (aeolian) chords/scales:
Kniri 221 Tuning
G7 F7 Eb7
Dm7 Cm7
G/B*/D/F/A/C/Eb/G/Bb/Db blow
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
A/C/E/G/ Bb/D/F/Ab/C/Eb draw
Am7 Gm7 Fm7
C7 Bb7 Demo in Cm Demo in Eb
G/B*/D/F/A/C/Eb/G/Bb/Db blow, chords- G7, Bdim, Dm7, F7, Adim, Cm7, Eb7, Gdim
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
A/C/E/G/Bb/D/F/Ab/C/Eb draw, chords- Am7, C7, Edim, Gm7, Bb7,Ddim, Fm7, Ab
KNIRI 221 (A)
KNIRI 221 (F)
KNIRI 221 (D)
KNIRI 221 (E)
Kniri 221 Alternate Tuning
Layout Kniri 221
G/B*/D/F/A/C/Eb/G/Bb/Db blow: Harmonica / pull: Accordion !
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
A/C /E/G/Bb/D/F/Ab/C/Eb draw: Harmonica / push: Accordion !
B* = H deutsch, Bb = B deutsch
The "diatonic-cyclic" tone arrangement "Kniri 221" makes it possible to play identical melodies in several major and minor keys (5 mixolydian and 5 natural minor (aeolian) scales) over an octave on the same instrument.
In a scale consisting of 20 tones, the 5 minor and 5 major scales over 1 octave each and 16 triads in the circle of fifths/fourths are related to each other. Always 3 tones next to each other result in a triad, alternating minor, major and diminished etc.
The chords fit together (tonic, subdominant, dominant = in C major: C, F and G7).
The tones have a regular spacing: 221221221221etc. 2=whole tone, 1=semitone
There are bluenotes: minor third and minor seventh (in C major Eb and Bb.)
This arrangement of notes is therefore ideal for playing in the blues scheme.
Cyclic Scale "221" in the circle of 4ths (Kniri Knaus)
regular steps : 221221221221221221221... .. steps: 2= wholetone 1=halftone
Beispiel: from G to G = 6 octaves, all 12 keys, 36 tones !!!!!! (like a spiral)
Kniri 221 Harmonica
Exemple: from low tone G to high tone Eb blow-draw-blow-draw......etc
G/B*/D/F/A/C/Eb/G/Bb/Db Harmonica blow (Accordion pull)
A/C /E/G/Bb/D/F/Ab/C/Eb Harmonica draw (Accordion push)
B* englisch = H deutsch !
total 16 triads (in the circle of 4ths and 5ths )
G,C,F,Bb,Eb,Ab-Dur A,D,G,C,F-Moll B*,E,A,D,G dim (G7,C7,F7,Bb7,Eb7 )
14 four-tone chords are also possible:
blow: G,B*,D,F----B*,D,F,A----D,F,A,C----F,A,C,Eb----A,C,Eb,G----C,Eb,G,Bb---Eb,G,Bb,Db
draw: A,C,E,G---C,E,G, Bb---,E,G,Bb,D---G,Bb,D,F---Bb,D,F,Ab---D,F,Ab,C---F,Ab,C,Eb
Alternate tuned Accordions (Cajun Accordion/Melodeon)
BluesÖrgeli Kniri 221
Blues in C
B*englisch = H deutsch, Bb englisch = B deutsch
2212212212212212212---pitches, steps
A C E G Bb D F Ab C Eb - push
G B* D F A C Eb G Bb Db - pull
1221221221221221221---pitches, steps
G B* D F A C Eb G Bb Db- push
F# A C E G Bb D F Ab C - pull
2122122122122122122---pitches, steps
E G Bb D F Ab C Eb Gb Bb- push
D F A C Eb G Bb Db F Ab - pull
Tunings for diatonic instruments, harmonicas and cajun accordions
Richter-Tuning (Standard-Tuning) in F (par exemple)
blow F A C F A C F A C F
draw G C E G Bb D E G Bb D
Kniri 221-Tuning 10 holes ( G, Am, C, Dm, F, Gm, Bb, Cm, Eb, Fm, Ab)
blow G B* D F A C Eb G Bb Db
draw A C E G Bb D F Ab C Eb
same scale, Richter: C E F G A Bb C D
5/7/2/4/6/1/3b/5/7b/2b blow harmonica / pull accordion
6/1/3/5/7b/2/4/6b/1/3b draw harmonica / push accordion
Kniri 221-Tuning 6 holes (SEYDEL BIG SIX) ( C, Dm, F, Gm , Bb)
blow B* D F A C Eb
draw C E G Bb D F
same scale, Richter: C E F G A Bb C D
Kniri 221-Tuning 12 holes ( D, Em, G, Am, C, Dm, F, Gm, Bb, Cm, Eb, Fm, Ab)
blow C# E G B* D F A C Eb G Bb Db
draw D F# A C E G Bb D F Ab C Eb
same scale, Richter: C E F G A Bb C D
G A B* C D E F G A Bb C D Eb F G Ab Bb C
1 2 3 4 5 6 7b 1 2 3b 4 5 6b 7b 1 2b 3b 4
C D E F G A Bb C D Eb F G Ab Bb C Db Eb F
Kniri 221 221221221221.... B* englisch = H deutsch
G / B* / D / F / A / C / Eb / G / Bb / Db blow harmonica / pull Accordion
A / C / E / G / Bb / D / F / Ab / C / Eb draw harmonica / push Accordion
C / E / G / Bb / D / F / Ab / C / Eb / Gb
D / F / A / C / Eb / G / Bb / Db / F / Ab
Variante 212 212212212212......
A / C / E / G / Bb / D / F / Ab / C / Eb
B* / D / F / A / C / Eb / G / Bb / Db / F
D / F / A / C / Eb / G / Bb / Db / F / Ab
E / G / Bb / D / F / Ab / C / Eb / Gb / Bb
Variante 122 122122122122.....
B* / D / F / A / C / Eb / G / Bb / Db / F
C / E / G / Bb / D / F / Ab / C / Eb / Gb
F# /A / C / E / G / Bb / D / F / Ab / C
G / B* / D / F / A / C / Eb / G / Bb / Db
further developments
"JAZZY BLUES" Tuning (Kniri Knaus)
Exemple C-major and A-minor
(note 10 blow and note 8 draw = 1 halftone higher than by Kniri 221)
G7..Dm7..F7..Cm7..Eb..Gm chords and scales
G/B/D/F/A/C/Eb/G/Bb/D blow
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
A/C/E/G/Bb/D/F/A/C/Eb draw
Am7..C7..Gm7..Bb7..Dm..F7 chords and scales
"Bluesy" Tuning Kniri 221+
This tone arrangement is suitable for bluesy, jazzy pieces.
Mixolydian major and natural minor scales can be played over 2 octaves.
The tones are logically arranged so that 6 chords in the circle of fifths, suitable for blues, can be played.
For a 10-hole harmonica in C, these are C7, F6, F7, Dm7, Gm7 and Bb. The note C is blown and drawn the same.
"Bluesy" Tuning Kniri 221+ Demo Youtube Blues in Bb
C/D/F/A/C/D/F/A/C/Eb blow chord- Dm7-F6-F7
C/E/G/Bb/C/E/G/Bb/D/F draw chord- C7-Gm7-Bb
Eb,Gb Eb,Gb Db,E bendings
scale: C,C,D,E,F,G,A,Bb,C,C,D,E,F,G,A,Bb,C,D,Eb,F
C-D-F-A-C'-D'-F'-A'-C''-Eb''---- blow
"Kniri 221" in G for comparison Kniri 221 Tuning Demo
G/B*/D/F/A/C/Eb/G/Bb/Db blow G7, Dm7, F7, Cm7, Eb7
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
A/C /E/G/Bb/D/F/Ab/C/Eb draw Am7, C7, Gm7, Bb7, Fm7, Ab
"Richter" Tuning (Standard Tuning) for comparison
F/A/C/F/A/C/F/A/C/F blow F...................
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
G/C/E/G/Bb/D/E/G/Bb/D draw C..........C7, Gm , Gm6
Gb,B*,Eb,Gb----------- bendings
"Richter-Kniri" Tuning
Demo Youtube Blues in C
This tone arrangement is a combination
from Richter and spiral tuning Kniri 221
1st position for folk and country (F major)
2nd position for jazz and blues (C major and A minor)
Melodies in minor keys (D minor and G minor)
Richter 2-5 Kniri 221
A/C/F/A/C/D/F/A/C/Eb blow F-F6-Dm7-F7
C/E/G/Bb/C/E/G/Bb/D/F draw C-C7-Gm7-Bb
B,Eb,Gb Eb,Gb Db,E
D/F/Bb/D/F/G/Bb/D/F/Ab blow Bb-Bb6-Gm7-Bb7
F/A/C/Eb/F/A/C/Eb/G/Bb draw F-F7-Cm7-Eb
mixolydian blues scale bluenotes: Eb+Gb bendings Bb draw Eb blow
A/D/F/A/C/D/F/A/C/Eb blow , chords- Dm7-F6-F7-Adim
C/E/G/Bb/C/E/G/Bb/D/F draw , chords- C7-Edim-Gm7-Bb
B*Eb,Gb Eb,Gb Db,E bendings
scale: A,C,D,Eb,E,F,Gb,G,A,Bb,C,C,D,Eb,E,F,Gb,G,A,Bb,C,D,Eb,F
This tone arrangement is suitable for bluesy, jazzy pieces.
Mixolydian major scales (C7 + F7) and natural minor scales (Am7 + Dm7)
can be played over 2 octaves.
Scale: A,C,D,E,F,G,A,Bb,C,C,D,E,F,G,A,Bb,C,D,Eb,F
A-D-F-A-C'-D'-F'-A'-C''-Eb''---- blow
Kniri 221 (basic)
G/B*/D/F/A/C/Eb/G/Bb/Db blow , chords- G7, Bdim, Dm7, F7, Adim, Cm7, Eb7, Gdim
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
A/C/E/G/Bb/D/F/Ab/C/Eb draw , chords- Am7, C7, Edim, Gm7, Bb7, Ddim, Fm7, Ab
Ab, Eb,Gb Db ,E B*, D bendings
Kniri Extra 221 (hole 2 blow and 3 draw= 1 halftone lower than Kniri 221)
G/Bb/D/F/A/C/Eb/G/Bb/Db blow , chords- Gm7, Bb, Dm7, F7, Adim, Cm7, Eb7, Gdim
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
A/C/Eb/G/Bb/D/F/Ab/C/Eb draw , chords- Adim, Cm7, Eb, Gm7, Bb7, Ddim, Fm7, Ab
Ab,B* Gb Db ,E B*, D bendings
Kniri Special 221 Tuning Bb
Bb/D/F/A/C/Eb/G/Bb/Db/F blow , chords- Bb, Dm7, F7, A-dim , Cm7, Eb7, G-dim, Bbm
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
C/E/G/Bb/D/F/Ab/C/Eb/G draw , chords- C7, E-dim, Gm7, Bb7, D-dim, Fm7, Ab, Cm
Bb,C,D,E,F,G,A,Bb,C,D,Eb,F,G,Ab,Bb,C,Db,Eb,F,G ---scale
Circular Blues Tuning Bb (hole 2 draw = 1 halftone lower than Kniri Special 221)
Kniri Knaus
Bb/D/F/A/C/Eb/G/Bb/Db/F blow , chords- Bb,Dm7, F7, A-dim , Cm7, Eb7, G-dim, Bbm
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
C/Eb/G/Bb/D/F/Ab/C/Eb/G draw , chords- Cm7, Eb , Gm7, Bb7, D-dim. Fm7, Ab, Cm
Bb,C,D,Eb,F,G,A,Bb,C,D,Eb,F,G,Ab,Bb,C,Db,Eb,F,G ---scale
CIRCULAR BLUES (Tuning C) (Kniri Knaus)
C,Em,G,Bdim,Dm,F,Adim,Cm : chords blow
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 : HOLES
Eb Gb : bendings
Dm,F,Am,C,Edim,Gm,Bb,Dm : chords draw
C,D,E,F,G,A,B,C,D,Eb,E,F,Gb,G,A,Bb,C,D,Eb,F,G,A : SCALE
Octatonic whole-half scale 2121.2121.2121.......
Diminshed Tuning
BLOW C Eb Gb A C Eb Gb A C Eb
BEND Db E G Bb Db E G Bb Db E
Pat Missin, Alternate Tuning List
6.8 - KNIRI TUNING 221 (Kniri Knaus)
BLOW C E G Bb D F Ab C Eb Gb
HOLE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
DRAW D F A C Eb G Bb Db F Ab
6.8a - KNIRI TUNING 1222 (Kniri Knaus)
HOLE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
DRAW Db F Ab C Eb G Bb D F A
6.8c - KNIRI TUNING 222 (Kniri Knaus)
BLOW C Eb G Bb Db F Ab B Eb Gb
HOLE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
DRAW D F A C Eb G Bb Db F Ab
6.8d - SPIRAL BLUES (Kniri Knaus - not actually a Spiral Tuning)
HOLE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
DRAW Eb Gb Ab C Eb Gb Ab C Eb Gb
6.8e - SPIRAL BLUES ALT (Kniri Knaus - also not actually a Spiral Tuning)
BLOW C Eb Gb Ab C Eb Gb Ab C Eb
HOLE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Scale Finder Seydel Harp Congfigurator
Pat Missin, Alternate Tuning List
further ideas :
"Kniri 1122..." steps 1122.1122.1122........6.Modus
For 10-Hole Diatonic Harmonica
8-Tone Scale Messian Mode 6 "1495" Ian Ring.
blow: C D Gb Ab C D Gb Ab C D
hole: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
draw: Db E G Bb Db E G Bb Db E
bend: Eb, A, Eb, A, Eb.
missing notes: F and B
D7 D b5 Ab7 Ab b5
Chords blow: C D Gb----D Gb Ab----Gb Ab C----Ab C D
Chords draw: Db E G----E G Bb-----G Bb Db-----Bb Db E
Db dim E dim G dim Bb dim
"Kniri 2211..." steps 2211.2211.2211.......(6.Modus)
For 10-Hole Diatonic Harmonica
Messian Mode 6 Inverse 3445 Ian Ring
blow: C E Gb Bb C E Gb Bb C E
hole: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
draw: D F Ab B D F Ab B D F
bend: Db, G, Db G, Db
missing notes: Eb and A
C b5 Gb7 Gb b5 C 7
Chords blow: C E Gb----E Gb Bb----Gb Bb C----Bb C E
Chords draw: D F Ab----F Ab B------Ab B D----B D F
D dim F dim Ab dim B dim
"Kniri 2112..." steps 2112.2112.2112......(6.Modus)
For 10-Hole Diatonic Harmonica.
Scale ..... C/D/Eb/E/Gb/Ab/A/Bb/C/D/Eb/E/Gb/Ab/A/Bb/C/D/Eb/E.....
Saptyllic 1885 Ian Ring
blow: C Eb Gb A C Eb Gb A C Eb
hole: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
draw: D E Ab Bb D E Ab Bb D E
bend: Db, G, Db, G, Db
missing notes : F and B
C dim Eb dim Gb dim A dim
Chords blow: C Eb Gb----Eb Gb A----Gb A C----A C Eb
Chords draw: D E Ab----E Ab Bb----Ab Bb D---Bb D E
E7 E b5 Bb7 Bb b5
"Kniri 1221..." steps 1221.1221.1221.......(6.Modus)
For 10-Hole Diatonic Harmonica.
Scale ..... C/Db/Eb/F/Gb/G/A/B/C/Db/Eb/F/Gb/G/A/B/C/Db/Eb/F.....
Van Der Horst Octatonic 2795 Ian Ring
blow: C Eb Gb A C Eb Gb A C Eb
hole: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
draw: Db F G B Db F G B Db F
bend: E, Bb, E, Bb, E
missing notes: D and Ab
C dim Eb dim Gb dim A dim
Chords blow: C Eb Gb----Eb Gb A----Gb A C----A C Eb
Chords draw: Db F G-----F G B-----G B Db-----B Db F
Db b5 G7 G b5 Db7
Spiral Tuning "Kniri 211" steps 211.211.211.........3.Modus
Scale: C D Eb E Gb G Ab Bb B C D Eb E Gb G Ab Bb B C D
Nine Tone Scale Messian Mode 3 Inverse "3549" Ian Ring
Blow: C Eb Gb Ab B D E G Bb C
Holes: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Draw: D E G Bb C Eb Gb Ab B D
Bend: Db-- --A------ -F-------Db
Blow: C Eb Gb Ab B D E G Bb C.......C dim/Ab7
Blow: C Eb Gb Ab B D E G Bb C.......Ab dim/E7
Blow: C Eb Gb Ab B D E G Bb C........Edim/C7
Draw: D E G Bb C Eb Gb Ab B D........Edim/C7
Draw: D E G Bb C Eb Gb Ab B D........C dim/Ab7
Draw: D E G Bb C Eb Gb Ab B D........Ab dim/E7
3. Mode
The third mode is based on the major third division of the octave
and divides the major third, the nucleus of the mode, into a whole tone
and two semitones; it can be transposed four times.
In the language used here by Olivier Messiaen
The shape starting from C with the whole tone step already applies
as the 1st transposition. In numerical form, this mode looks like this:
211211211 and has two reversals (112112112 and 121121121)
Spiral Tuning "Kniri 121" steps 121.121.121.....(3.Modus)
9-Tone Scale: C Db Eb E F G Ab A B C Dd Eb E F G Ab A B C Db
Ian Ring.Scale 3003 Genus Chromaticum
Blow: C Eb F Ab B Db E G A C
Holes: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Draw: Db E G A C Eb F Ab B Db
Bend: Gb, D, Bb
Blow: C Eb F Ab B Db E G A C....Db7/Fdim
Blow: C Eb F Ab B Db E G A C....A7/Dbdim
Blow: C Eb F Ab B Db E G A C....F7/(Adim)
Draw: Db E G A C Eb F Ab B Db....A7/Dbdim
Draw: Db E G A C Eb F Ab B Db....F7/Adim
Draw: Db E G A C Eb F Ab B Db....Db7/Fdim
Spiral Tuning "Kniri 112" steps 112.112.112.....(3.Modus)
9-Tone Scale: C Db D E F Gb Ab A Bb C Db D E F Gb Ab A Bb C Db D E F Gb
Ian Ring.Scale 1911 Messian Mode 3
Blow: C D F Ab Bb Db E Gb A C D F
Holes: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Draw: Db E Gb A C D F Ab Bb Db E Gb
Bend: Eb, B, G, Eb
Blow: C D F Ab Bb Db E Gb A C D F.......Ddim/Bb7
Blow: C D F Ab Bb Db E Gb A C D F.......Bbdim/Gb7
Blow: C D F Ab Bb Db E Gb A C D F...... Gbdim/D7
Draw: Db E Gb A C D F Ab Bb Db E Gb...Gbdim/D7
Draw: Db E Gb A C D F Ab Bb Db E Gb....Ddim/Bb7
Draw: Db E Gb A C D F Ab Bb Db E Gb....Bbdim/Gb7
9-Tone Tuning 1981 Kniri Knaus 03.11.2019
Scale: F, G Ab A Bb C C D Eb E F G Ab A Bb C C D Eb E
Nine Tone Scale 1981 "Houseini" Ian Ring
Symmetric Steps: 2 1 1 1 2 0 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 0 2 1 1
Blow: F Ab Bb C Eb F Ab Bb C Eb (Fm11, Ab6/9, Bb9sus4, Cm7#5)
Hole: 1--2--3--4--5--6--7--8--9--10
Draw: G A C D E G A C D E (Am11, C6/9, C add2,6, D9sus4)
Bend: Gb----B Db----Gb-----B Db
(with bendings full chromatic !)
Blues Scale II Tuning (A) Kniri Knaus 11.11.2019 = Bb6-Bebop
Blow: Bb D F G Bb D F G Bb D (Bb6 , Gm7)
Hole: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Draw: C Eb Gb A C Eb Gb A C Eb (C/Eb/Gb/A dim7)
Bend: B Ab, B Ab,B
8-Tone Blues Scale II Ian Ring
Bb, C, D, Eb, F, Gb, G, A, Bb, C, D, Eb, F, Gb, G, A, Bb, C, D, Eb,
Symmetric Steps 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1
Blues Scale II Tuning (B) Kniri Knaus 11.11.2019
Blow: C Eb Gb A C Eb Gb A C Eb (C/Eb/Gb/A dim7)
Hole: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Draw: D F G Bb D F G Bb D F (Bb6 , Gm7)
Bend: Db,E Db,E Db,E
8-Tone Blues Scale II Ian Ring
C, D, Eb, F, Gb, G, A, Bb, C, D, Eb, F, Gb, G, A, Bb, C, D, Eb, F
Symmetric Steps 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2
Major Bebop Tuning Kniri Knaus 11.11.2019 = C6-Bebop
Blow: C E G A C E G A C E (C6, Am7)
Hole: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Draw: D F Ab B D F Ab B D F (D/F/Ab/B dim7)
Bend: Db, Bb,Db Bb,Db
8-Tone Major Bebop Scale 2997 Ian Ring
C, D, E, F, G, Ab, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, Ab, A, B, C, D, E, F
Symmetric Steps 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1
More ideas for diatonic harmonicas !
"Easy Blues" Tuning 19.11.2019 Kniri
Richter Richter Kniri
A/C/F/A/A/C/F/A/C/Eb blow (F-F7)
C/E/G/Bb/C/E/G/Bb/D/F draw (C-C7-Gm7-Bb)
B,Eb,Gb B, Eb,Gb Db,E bendings
"Simply Blues" Tuning 23.11.2019 Kniri
F/A/C/F/A/A/C/F/A/C blow (F)
G/C/E/G/Bb/C/E/G/Bb/D draw (C7-Gm)
Gb,B,Eb,Gb B, Eb,Gb Db bendings
"3 Times Blues" Tuning "Lucky13" 26.11.2019 Kniri
Richter Richter Richter
F/A/C/F/A/A/C/F/A/A/C/F/A blow (F)
G/C/E/G/Bb/C/E/G/Bb/C/E/G/Bb draw (C7)
Gb,B,Eb,Gb B, Eb,Gb B, Eb,Gb bendings
"3 Times Blues" 12 Hole Tuning 19.11.2019 Kniri
3 Times Richter 2-5
Richter Richter Richter
A/C/F/A/A/C/F/A/A/C/F/A blow (F)
C/E/G/Bb/C/E/G/Bb/C/E/G/Bb draw (C7)
B,Eb,Gb B, Eb,Gb B, Eb,Gb bendings
"Richter-Kniri" 12 Hole Tuning 19.11.2019 Kniri
Richter Kniri 221
F/A/C/F/A/C/D/F/A/C/Eb/G blow (F-F6-Dm7-F7-Cm)
G/C/E/G/Bb/C/E/G/Bb/D/F/Ab draw (C-C7-Gm7-Bb7)
Gb,B,Eb,Gb Eb,Gb Db,E bendings
"Easy Blues" 12 Hole Tuning 19.11.2019 Kniri
2 Times Richter 2-5 + Kniri 221
Richter Richter Kniri 221
F/A/C/F/A/A/C/F/A/C/Eb/G blow (F-F7, Cm)
G/C/E/G/Bb/C/E/G/Bb/D/F/Ab draw (C-C7-Gm7-Bb7)
Gb,B,Eb,Gb B, Eb,Gb Db,E bendings
Seydel Harp Configurator
"Bluesy Tuning" versus "Orchestra S" (Seydel)
Layout "Bluesy Tuning" (Kniri Knaus)
C/D/F/A/C/D/F/A/C/Eb blow----- chord Dm7-F6-F7
C/E/G/Bb/C/E/G/Bb/D/F draw---- chord C7/9-Gm7-Bb
--Eb,Gb----Eb,Gb--Db,E bendings
Layout "ORCHESTRA S" Solo Tuning (Seydel)
C/F/F/A/C/F/F/A/C/F blow-------- chord F
D/E/G/Bb/D/E/G/Bb/D/E draw----- chord Gm6
Db--Gb---Db--Gb----Db bendings
6 tones are different as "Bluesy"
2,6,10 blow and 1,5,10 draw
"Basic Spiral"
G/B*/D/F/A/C/E/G/B/D blow
A/C/E/G/B/D/F/A/C/E draw
"Kniri 221"
G/B*/D/F/A/C/Eb/G/Bb/Db blow
A/C/E/G/Bb/D/F/Ab/C/Eb draw
Retuning "Basic Spiral" to "Kniri 221"
Retune Blow
0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 -1 -1
Retune Draw
0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 -1 0 -1
F/A/C/F/A/C/F/A/C/F blow
G/C/E/G/Bb/D/E/G/Bb/D draw
Retuning "Richter" in F to "Kniri 221" in G
Retune Blow
+2 +2 +2 0 0 0 -2 -2 -2 -4
Retune Draw
+2 0 0 0 0 0 +1 +1 +2 +1
G/B*/D/F/A/C/Eb/G/Bb/Db blow
A/C/E/G/Bb/D/F/Ab/C/Eb draw
B* = H deutsch, Bb = B deutsch
Kniri 122 (cyclic scale in the circle of 4ths)
Kniri 221
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Kniri 122
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Kniri 212
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Kniri Minor Blues 1 Tuning
C/Eb/G/Bb/D/F/A/C/Eb/G blow
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
D/F/A/C/Eb/G/Bb/D/F/A draw
Db, E, Ab, B, Gb, Db,E, Ab, bendings
Kniri Minor Blues 2 Tuning
C/Eb/G/Bb/D/F/Ab/C/Eb/G blow
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
D/F/Ab/C/Eb/G/Bb/D/F/Ab draw
Db, E, B, Gb,A, Db,E, bendings
Kniri Special 221 Tuning G B* = H deutsch, Bb = B deutsch
G/B*/D/F#/A/C/E/G/Bb/D blow , chords- G, B*m7, D7, F#-dim , Am7, C7, E-dim, Gm
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
A/C#/E/G/B*/D/F/A/C/E draw , chords- A7, C#-dim, Em7, G7, B*-dim. Dm7, F, Am
Kniri Special 221 Tuning Eb
Eb/G/Bb/D/F/Ab/C/Eb/Gb/Bb blow , chords- Eb, Gm7, Bb7, D-dim , Fm7, Ab7, C-dim, Ebm
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
F/A/C/Eb/G/Bb/Db/F/Ab/C draw , chords- F7, A-dim, Cm7, Eb7, G-dim. Bbm7, Db, Fm